Thread Tape and Sealant
Thread tape and sealants are used to prevent threaded fittings from leaking. Using a sealant is absolutely necessary for threaded fittings as this is the only way to obtain a leak free seal. Thread tape is a quick and mess free option, but there's a proper way of applying thread tape to a fitting which can be found by watching this video. A liquid sealant is another option which is arguably more resistant against leaks, but it can make quite a mess and takes hours to dry.
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- Thread TapeThread Tape Thread tape is a quick and easy sealant used for threaded fittings. No mess and no dry time means you can get your install done faster. To get a leak free seal, make sure you wrap your threaded fittings the proper way. Check out this instructional video for more info! BR00500 USD 1.50$1.50